tell your story, and tell it well, with guest Max Kringen [S2E13]

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Our personal and brand stories are powerful tools to connect with others, and marketing in the last several years has exploded with story-based strategies for everyone from solopreneurs to huge corporations. Max Kringen, the founder of a Fargo-based story-driven creative studio, joins Elle to talk about the power of story not just for a marketing edge, but for its ability to foster community, build empathy, and share our vision for how we want the world to look.

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Tellwell Story Co. Pride Stories (video series, 2022):

Tellwell Story Co. Pride Stories Podcast (2024): coming soon

Guest Spotlight: Max Kringen

Max Kringen is the founder and owner of Tellwell Story Co., a creative studio that specializes in branding, design, and web services. Over the past decade, Max has led the company from its inception to a successful and respected firm, working with a diverse range of clients, from small non-profits to Fortune 100 companies across the country. His entrepreneurial spirit and passion for storytelling have been the driving force behind Tellwell's growth and success. Max's approach to business is characterized by a deep commitment to his team and clients, valuing relationships and the power of storytelling in creating impactful and meaningful connections. Under his leadership, Tellwell has become known for its story-focused, empowering, and service-oriented approach, prioritizing content-first, consistency, user-centric design, and integrated creativity. Max's vision for Tellwell is not just about business success but also about making a positive difference in the world through the art of storytelling.



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