grey-area drinking and the mother wound with recovery coach Kristy Sarausky [S2E12]

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Everywhere you look, “Wine Mom” and other alcohol-adjacent identity branding hits us in the face, marketed specifically to women and femmes as a way to unwind and cope with the ever-increasing demands of contemporary life. In this episode of Hoorf!, Elle chats with Kristy Sarausky, a grey-area drinking recovery coach, about grey-area drinking— that nebulous space between sobriety and rock bottom where so many of us find ourselves using booze to manage our stress and not manage our emotions and inner lives. Both Elle and Kristy share some vulnerable truths about their own histories with alcohol, their journeys to sobriety, and the reasons so many of us tend to reach for a bottle. Spoiler: it’s the trauma, mama.

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“Quit Like a Woman” Holly Whitaker: (this is an affiliate link)

Guest Spotlight: Kristy Sarausky

Kristy Sarausky is a trained recovery coach from Connecticut Community Addiction and Recovery. She has her master's degree in adult education. She works as a gray-area drinking recovery coach; she believes we can only make true and lasting change when we come from a place of self compassion, tender and fierce self compassion. Learning to become compassionate with herself, knowing that she's a worthy person who deserves good and true things changed her inner world. And now she does the same thing to help guide others to lovingly learn to prioritize their own mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical selves.



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