family, identity, and allyship: a conversation with Mama Dragon Jen Blair [S2E5]

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Content Note: this episode contains descriptions of a child's coming out from the perspective of a parent, who is candid about her own homophobia. This story is shared with the consent of the (now adult) child, but some of the parent's early conceptions of the queer community are admittedly uneducated. 

In this episode, Elle shares an earnest conversation with Jen Blair, who shares her journey as the mother of a gay son. Jen’s family spent decades in the LDS church, and by most standards were a typical Mormon family. When her son came out 10 years ago, she found herself at a complete loss for information, and with a singular mission: to love her son the same as she had been loving him before he came out. Jen shares her story of rebuilding community with and for her family in this episode of Hoorf!

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Guest Spotlight: Jen Blair

Jen Blair was born and raised in Utah, where she met and married her husband of almost 30 years. She graduated together from Brigham Young University with a degree in elementary education. Jen's early adult years were spent moving around the country to support her husband's education and raising 4 children.

Just over a decade ago, Jen's oldest child shared the information that he is gay. This launched a new season of learning and advocacy work for her and her family.

When not practicing yoga or reading, she's often having lively conversations with strangers on the internet.

Episode Resources

Mama Dragons:

SFSU Family Acceptance Project:

See the transcript: pdf | webpage

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